
what we do

As experts in our field, we work with industry leaders to bring you the highest quality materials analysis to you. Our promise is to never compromise on quality, always giving your analysis the attention to detail it deserves.

Cascade Thin Film Analysis

Surface and Thin Films

Analyse monolayer materials to ones with several micrometers.

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Cascade Advanced Microscopic Analysis

Advanced Microscopy

Microscopic Analysis of LED and optical devices.

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Cascade Bulk Analysis

Bulk Analysis

Mineral composition analysis of bulk materials to reduce contamination.

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Cascade Polymers and Organics


Analyse thermal properties and impurities in macromolecular materials.

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Cascade Electrical


Analyse Transistor properties and chip performances including failure analysis.

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Cascade Liquid and Gas

Liquids and Gases

Analyse impurities, pH and iconic content and Assay organic components.

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Cascade Miscellaneous Medicine


Analyse and test mechanical and physical properties, nanotoxicity, food and medicines.

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our mission is to

reduce material failure and wastage

We build trust and help our clients grow confidence on their product line.

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why choose CAS?

We've evolved innovation from an art to a predictable science.

Material Analysis can help your business achieve its goals.

Discover our advanced microscopic capabilities

Explore our expertise in SIMS analytics

Learn more on our analysis and test methods

Meet our expert team of professionals


Customer Satisfaction

CAS operates on Customer needs discovery and ensure complete satisfaction of all our existing and new customers.


Engage Industry Experts

With over 70 years worth of experience cumulatively in the analytical services industry, we have worked with our customers to bring the highest quality analysis to research teams across the globe.


Reliable and Ethical

CAS gives utmost importance to confidentiality and trust which is why our ethos as a company is to strive for the highest quality analysis and consultation in the market whilst also keeping complete confidentiality to our clients.


Up to Date

CAS uses the latest technologies and test methods for material analysis which makes our analysis up-to-date and effective yielding reports with excellent attention to details.

CAS Test Methods